Lawrence Rosenblatt and team obtain defense verdict in Westchester County involving claims of life-long injuries to a three-month-old infant and 25-million dollar demand.

After a trial that began with jury selection in mid-March, followed by three weeks of an aggressive prosecution at trial by plaintiff’s counsel, on April 5, 2024, trial partner Lawrence…

Continue ReadingLawrence Rosenblatt and team obtain defense verdict in Westchester County involving claims of life-long injuries to a three-month-old infant and 25-million dollar demand.

ARFD obtains First Department reversal of 41-page summary judgment denial, dismissing remainder of case on eve of trial!

The matter involved claims of improperly performed cosmetic and functional nasal surgery, and was very aggressively litigated over seven years. The lawsuit initially alleged eight causes of action, including fraud,…

Continue ReadingARFD obtains First Department reversal of 41-page summary judgment denial, dismissing remainder of case on eve of trial!